Notice of County Line Special Utility District (CLSUD) Proposed Water Rate Increase
The Board of Directors will be presented with proposed rates at the upcoming January board meeting. The need for an increase in rates is due to rising operating and maintenance costs, diversification and expansion of the District’s water sources, and District investment in capital improvement projects. Leading up to the board meeting, an Executive Committee met approximately once a month since April 2024 to refine the proposed rates. The proposed rates for Residential customers are shown in the table below as well as the current rates.
Current Rates | Proposed Rates | |
Minimum Charge | ||
5/8” | $ 48.15 | $ 60.00 |
3/4” | 72.23 | 90.01 |
1” | 120.38 | 150.01 |
1 1/2” | 240.75 | 300.00 |
Volumetric Charge (Per 1,000 Gallons) | ||
0-5,000 gallons | $ 4.36 | $ 9.15 |
5,001-10,000 gallons | 5.32 | 11.44 |
10,001-15,000 gallons | 6.38 | 14.30 |
15,001-20,000 gallons | 7.66 | 17.88 |
20,001-25,000 gallons | 9.19 | 22.35 |
25,001+ gallons | 11.03 |
The District continually works to diversify and expand water sources to provide a reliable and quality service to its more than 6,400 customers, as well as the new customers that are expected. By sourcing water from a variety of entities, the District is able to increase system reliability, water quality, and water quantity. Capital construction projects are also necessary to build infrastructure for new customers, as well as maintaining existing infrastructure to increase quality of service and ensure continuous and adequate service in accordance with regulatory requirements.
To help offset the additional costs for new growth, the District charges new customers impact fees and water acquisition fees. The impact fee revenue is used to fund growth related capital projects, while the water acquisition fee revenue aids to offset the District’s obligations from wholesale water providers. Both of these fees help minimize the effect of new growth on existing customers.
An average single-family residence in the District’s service area utilizes approximately 6,000 gallons of water per month. This will result in a monthly water charge of $105.75 under the proposed rates. Below is a chart that compares a 6,000 gallon water bill to other entities in the area.
Aviso de Aumento Propuesto por el Distrito de Servicios Públicos Especiales de County Line (CLSUD)
La Junta Directiva recibirá las tarifas propuestas en la próxima reunión de la Junta Directiva de enero. La necesidad de un aumento en las tarifas se debe al aumento de los costos de operación y mantenimiento, la diversificación y expansión de las fuentes de agua del Distrito y la inversión del Distrito en proyectos de mejoras de capital. Antes de la reunión de la junta, un Comité Ejecutivo se reunió aproximadamente una vez al mes desde abril de 2024 para refinar las tarifas propuestas. Las tarifas propuestas para los clientes residenciales se muestran en la tabla a continuación, así como las tarifas actuales.
Tarifas actuales | Tarifas propuestas | |
Cargo mínimo | ||
5/8” | 48,15 | $ 60.00 |
3/4” | 72.23 | 90.01 |
1” | 120.38 | 150.01 |
1 1/2” | 240.75 | 300.00 |
Carga volumétrica (por 1,000 galones) | ||
0-5,000 galones | 4,36 $ | 9,15 $ |
5,001-10,000 galones | 5.32 | 11.44 |
10,001-15,000 galones | 6.38 | 14.30 |
15,001-20,000 galones | 7.66 | 17.88 |
20,001-25,000 galones | 9.19 | 22.35 |
25,001+ galones | 11.03 |
El Distrito trabaja continuamente para diversificar y expandir las fuentes de agua para brindar un servicio confiable y de calidad a sus más de 6,400 clientes, así como a los nuevos clientes que se esperan. Al obtener agua de una variedad de entidades, el Distrito puede aumentar la confiabilidad del sistema, la calidad del agua y la cantidad de agua. Los proyectos de construcción de capital también son necesarios para construir infraestructura para nuevos clientes, así como para mantener la infraestructura existente para aumentar la calidad del servicio y garantizar un servicio continuo y adecuado de acuerdo con los requisitos reglamentarios.
Para ayudar a compensar los costos adicionales de un nuevo crecimiento, el Distrito cobra a los nuevos clientes tarifas de impacto y tarifas de adquisición de agua. Los ingresos de la tarifa de impacto se utilizan para financiar proyectos de capital relacionados con el crecimiento, mientras que los ingresos de la tarifa de adquisición de agua ayudan a compensar las obligaciones del Distrito de los proveedores mayoristas de agua. Ambas tarifas ayudan a minimizar el efecto de un nuevo crecimiento en los clientes existentes.
Una residencia unifamiliar promedio en el área de servicio del Distrito utiliza aproximadamente 6,000 galones de agua por mes. Esto resultará en un cargo mensual de agua de $105.75 según las tarifas propuestas. A continuación se muestra una tabla que compara una factura de a Agua de 6,000 galones
Notice of County Line Special Utility District (CLSUD) Proposed Water Rate Increase
The Board of Directors will be presented with proposed rates at the upcoming January board meeting. The need for an increase in rates is due to rising operating and maintenance costs, diversification and expansion of the District’s water sources, and District investment in capital improvement projects. Leading up to the board meeting, an Executive Committee met approximately once a month since April 2024 to refine the proposed rates. The proposed rates for Residential customers are shown in the table below as well as the current rates.
Current Rates | Proposed Rates | |
Minimum Charge | ||
5/8” | $ 48.15 | $ 60.00 |
3/4” | 72.23 | 90.01 |
1” | 120.38 | 150.01 |
1 1/2” | 240.75 | 300.00 |
Volumetric Charge (Per 1,000 Gallons) | ||
0-5,000 gallons | $ 4.36 | $ 9.15 |
5,001-10,000 gallons | 5.32 | 11.44 |
10,001-15,000 gallons | 6.38 | 14.30 |
15,001-20,000 gallons | 7.66 | 17.88 |
20,001-25,000 gallons | 9.19 | 22.35 |
25,001+ gallons | 11.03 |
The District continually works to diversify and expand water sources to provide a reliable and quality service to its more than 6,400 customers, as well as the new customers that are expected. By sourcing water from a variety of entities, the District is able to increase system reliability, water quality, and water quantity. Capital construction projects are also necessary to build infrastructure for new customers, as well as maintaining existing infrastructure to increase quality of service and ensure continuous and adequate service in accordance with regulatory requirements.
To help offset the additional costs for new growth, the District charges new customers impact fees and water acquisition fees. The impact fee revenue is used to fund growth related capital projects, while the water acquisition fee revenue aids to offset the District’s obligations from wholesale water providers. Both of these fees help minimize the effect of new growth on existing customers.
An average single-family residence in the District’s service area utilizes approximately 6,000 gallons of water per month. This will result in a monthly water charge of $105.75 under the proposed rates. Below is a chart that compares a 6,000 gallon water bill to other entities in the area.