County Line Special Utility District
8870 Camino Real
Uhland, TX 78640-4909
Office: 512-398-4748 Fax: 512-398-4749
Open Records Request Form and Fee Schedule
Date of Request: _________________________________________
Requesters Name: ________________________________________
Documents Requested: _______________________________________________________________________
Government Code Section 552.261(a) allows a governmental body to recover costs related to reproducing public information. The requestor may set an appointment time to visually inspect the documents rather than have them copied. There is no charge for a visual inspection. For questions or concerns regarding this government code you may contact The Attorney General at
The following fee schedule applies for any open records requests that will require 50 or more pages to be reproduced.
Copies $ .30 per page
Labor $ 15.00 per hour to be billed in 15 minute increments
I understand and I agree to pay all copies and labor fees in full before the requested documents are released.
Signature of Requestor