County Line Special Utility District (CLSUD) is pleased to invite your firm to submit a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Inspection Services for the Cotton Gin Roadway Improvements Project – Water Main Relocation.

Project Overview

This project involves the replacement and relocation of existing water mains within the Cotton Gin Roadway area. The scope may include additional adjustments to other CLSUD infrastructure as required to accommodate roadway and drainage improvements.

Scope of Work

Inspection and observation services will cover the following tasks:

  • Replacement of 2,630 linear feet of 3-inch PVC water main with a 12-inch water main.
  • Replacement of 5,320 linear feet of 12-inch PVC water main with a 12-inch water main.
  • Relocation of 35 linear feet of 6-inch PVC water main.

Additional services may be required if conflicts arise with other CLSUD infrastructure during construction.


  • Design Phase Status: The Hays County roadway project has reached 60-90% design completion.
  • Construction Start: Early 2025.
  • Inspection Services Duration: From early 2025 through December 30, 2025.

Proposal Submission Requirements

Proposing firms must submit the following:

  • Three hard copies of the RFP, delivered in person by 5:00 p.m. (EST) on February 6th 2025
  • One digital PDF copy, included with the hard copies.

Submission Address:
Farah Najdawi
Engineering & Regulatory Manager
County Line Special Utility District
8870 Camino Real
Uhland, TX 78640
Phone: (512) 398-4748

We encourage your firm to submit a proposal and thank you for your interest in this project. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Farah Najdawi. Also, if you know of any qualified firms providing inspection services, please do not hesitate to refer them to respond to this RFP.

Questions & Answers

On page 2, the scope of work mentions "Replacement of 2,630 LF of 3-inch PVC water main with a 12-inch water main." Could you please clarify if the existing 3-inch water main is to be completely removed and replaced with a new 12-inch water main, or if the existing 3-inch water main will be abandoned in place and a new 12-inch water main will be installed parallel to it?

The existing 3-inch water main will be abandoned in place, with the new 12-inch main installed parallel. Segments may be removed at conflict locations, if required.

On page 2, the scope of work mentions "Replacement of 5,320 LF of 12-inch PVC water main with a 12-inch water main." Could you please clarify if the existing 12-inch water main is to be completely removed and replaced with a new 12-inch water main, or if the existing 12-inch water main will be abandoned in place and a new 12-inch water main will be installed parallel to it?

The existing 12-inch water main will be abandoned in place, with the new 12-inch main installed parallel. Segments may be removed at conflict locations, if required.

On page 2, the scope of work mentions "Relocation of 35 LF of 6-inch PVC water main." Could you please provide more details on the extent of this relocation, such as the proposed alignment, depth, and any specific requirements or constraints?

The 6-inch water main may be relocated as design progresses.

On page 3, under the “Proposal Requirements” section, item 8 states “A list of equipment to be provided.” Could you please clarify what type of equipment is expected to be provided by the inspection firm? Is this referring to equipment for testing, inspection, or other purposes?

The requirement for "A list of equipment to be provided" in the Proposal Requirements (Item 8) refers to the equipment that the inspection firm will use to perform its services for the project. For example: inspection & Observation Equipment, Testing Equipment (if applicable), safety equipment, Construction Monitoring Tools…etc.

On page 11, under the “Required Forms with RFP Submittal” section, it mentions a “Certificate of Interested Parties” form. Could you please provide more information on the requirements and process for completing and submitting this form?

The “Certificate of Interested Parties” form is a requirement under Section 2252.908 of the Texas Government Code. This form, also known as Form 1295, is mandated for contracts that require County Line SUD Board approval. Below is the process for completing and submitting this form:

  1. Access the Form:
    • Visit the Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) website: 1295 Filing Info
    • Use the electronic filing system to generate the form.
  2. Complete the Form Online:
    • Provide business entity details (company name, address, etc.).
    • List any interested parties (owners, board members, or individuals involved in negotiations).
    • Submit the form electronically to generate a unique certification number.
  3. Print and Notarize the Form:
    • After submission, print the electronically generated Form 1295.
    • Sign it in the presence of a notary public and get it notarized.
  4. Submit to CLSUD:
    • Include the signed and notarized Form 1295 with your RFP submission.

Please refer to this website if you have more questions about the form: FAQ 1295

On page 14, in the Master Services Agreement, Section 1.7 mentions, 'Both parties, along with any consultants or subcontractors engaged by (firm), shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations.' Could you please provide a list or reference to the specific laws and regulations that the inspection firm and its consultants/subcontractors must comply with

The inspection firm and its consultants/subcontractors must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. For example:

  • Federal Laws: Clean Water Act (CWA), Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)…etc.
  • Texas State Laws: Texas Water Code, Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Title 30, TCEQ regulations, Texas Government Code, Texas Public Information Act…etc.
  • Local & Project-Specific Requirements: County Line SUD policies, and Hays County roadway/utility relocation standards.

On page 19, in the Master Services Agreement, Section 7.1 states that "(firm) shall name County Line SUD as an additional insured on (firm)'s General Liability policy to the extent of its indemnity obligations provided in this Agreement." Could you please clarify the specific indemnity obligations that would determine the extent of County Line SUD being named as an additional insured?

The contract states that your company must add CLSUD to your General Liability insurance as an "additional insured." But this only applies to situations where your company and its consultants and subcontractors (if any)are responsible for something going wrong—not if CLSUD itself is at fault.

For example:

  • If your company (or its consultants and subcontractors, if any) makes a mistake that causes damages, and CLSUD gets sued, your insurance must help protect CLSUD.
  • If CLSUD is responsible for the issue, your insurance doesn’t have to cover them.

Basically, your insurance should cover CLSUD only when the problem is caused by your company’s (and its consultants’ and subcontractors’) work.

On page 30, in Exhibit C - Insurance, it lists the required insurance coverages and limits. Could you please confirm if these are the minimum required limits, or if higher limits would be acceptable or preferred?

The insurance coverages and limits listed in Exhibit C of the Master Services Agreement represent the minimum required limits that the inspection firm must maintain. All responses to RFPs that meet the minimum will be considered. A higher coverage amount would be acceptable, but is not requested, and is a risk-management decision that the inspection firm must make.

Would CLSUD please provide any construction documents or plans for the project so that our Project Manager can develop a customized project approach?

CLSUD will provide the requested construction documents and plans once an agreement is finalized with the selected inspection firm and upon signing the task order.