County Line Special Utility District (the District) would like to notify you of an increase to your retail wastewater rates. For context, while the District has facilities to collect and transport wastewaterfrom your location, it has a contract with a wholesale wastewater provider, Plum Creek Utility, to treat that wastewater. Both the District and Plum Creek Utility’s costs of service have increased in recent years. To that point, Plum Creek Utility has asked the District to share the following message with you to explain these changes:

Plum Creek Utility (PCU) is the wastewater provider for the County Line Special Utility District. PCU has had our current rate since 2018. Since then,we have made several investments in your wastewater infrastructure, including expanding the treatment plant, installing emergency generators to ensure service is always available, even in a power outage, and software tomonitor quality of thewastewater
being treated.

Currently, the District’s retail wastewater service rate is $65.00 per living unit equivalent (LUE). A LUE is defined as the typical flow that would be produced by a single-family residence located in a typical subdivision. At the District’s regular Board meeting on November 20, 2023, the Board of Directors approved an Order amending its retail wastewater rate to be $80.00 per LUE, effective as of February 1, 2024. This $15.00 increase reflects a $10.00 increase in PCU’s cost of wholesale wastewater service and a $5.00 increase in the District’s cost of retail wastewater service.

$65 per LUE

Your current wastewater rate.

$80 per LUE

New rate as of February 1, 2024.

You will see these changes reflected in your February bill. The District and PCU know that rate increases are generally not welcome, but we have made significant efforts to provide cost-effective service and are committed to providing the best service to our customers. If you have any questions about this rate increase you may contact the District at (512) 398-4748 or [email protected] for additional information.