Dear Recipient,

We are pleased to invite your firm to submit a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Inspection Services for the FM2720 Wastewater and Water Main Project.

Project Overview

FM2720 Water Main – Segment 2

    • Scope: Installation of 4,030 linear feet of 24-inch HDPE water line along the west side of FM 2720, extending from Bollinger Subdivision to Bobwhite Road.
    • Contractor: Dale Lowden Excavating, LLC.

FM2720 Wastewater Main

    • Scope: Installation of approximately 14,860 linear feet of 8-inch, 12-inch, 18-inch, and 21-inch gravity wastewater main along FM 2720, extending westward to PCU 3 on Misty Lane.
    • Contractor: Dale Lowden Excavating, LLC.
  • Estimated Construction Cost for WW and Water Main: $3,499,893.10.
  • Start Date: Early 2025.
  • Duration: Through November 30, 2025.

Proposal Submission Requirements

Proposing firms must submit the following:

  • Three hard copies of the RFP, delivered in person by 5:00 p.m. (EST) on February 6, 2025.
  • One digital PDF copy, included with the hard copies.

Submission Address:

Farah Najdawi
Engineering & Regulatory Manager
8870 Camino Real
Uhland, TX 78640
Phone: (512) 398-4748

Questions & Answers

The RFP states on page 1 that proposals are limited to ten letter-sized pages (excluding the cover letter). Could you please clarify whether the required forms—including the 1295 Form, Conflict of Interest Questionnaire, and Qualifications Certification—are included in this page count? Additionally, would front and back covers be considered part of the total page limit?

  • The required forms (including Form 1295, Conflict of Interest Questionnaire, and Qualifications Certification) are not included in the ten-page limit.
  • The front and back covers are not considered part of the total page count.

The RFP mentions that the inspection services are expected to commence in early 2025 and continue through September 30, 2025 (page 2). However, the construction completion dates for the Water Main and Wastewater Main projects are November 25, 2025, and August 5, 2025, respectively. Please clarify the expected duration of the inspection services and whether they should extend beyond September 30, 2025, to cover the entire construction period.

The engineering estimate completion date for water and wastewater projects is November 25, 2025, with a potential earlier completion date of August 5, 2025, in case there are no contractor schedule delays. The project is currently expected to be completed within 250 days, starting on November 18, 2024, as outlined in the Notice to Proceed (NTP) and bid opening provided by the contractor. Based on this timeline, the expected completion date is July 26, 2025; however, CLSUD has accounted for an additional two-month buffer for inspection services in case of any contractor schedule delays.

The RFP mentions that the selected firm will be responsible for "Review and verification of contractor submittals" (page 2). However, there is no further information provided on the scope or extent of this review process. Please clarify the specific responsibilities and expectations for the review and verification of contractor submittals.

The review and verification of contractor submittals will involve ensuring that all submitted documents, materials, and work plans comply with CLSUD’s project specifications, applicable standards, and regulatory requirements. The selected firm will be responsible for the following:

  1. Reviewing Contractor Submittals
  2. Verification of Compliance
  3. Coordination & Documentation
  4. Ensuring Timely Processing

For more detailed expectations, CLSUD may provide additional guidance during contract negotiations.

Would CLSUD please provide any construction documents or plans for the project so that our Project Manager can develop a customized project approach?

CLSUD will provide the requested construction documents and plans once an agreement is finalized with the selected inspection firm and upon signing the task order.

Let us know if further clarification is needed.